
Sunday, September 18, 2016

What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Training

Have you ever wondered what will happen in your body if you’d stop training? Here are some interesting information about this!

We have to admit that sometimes life gets in the way of our fitness routine. Taking a break from the gym can be a relief sometimes, but our bodies suffer several changes that you need to know about. No matter the reason why you had to skip training, the absence of workouts will cause your body to lose some of the progress it has made.

Maybe you’ve made by now some decent gains in strength, endurance and muscle mass. Not being able to make it to the gym after developing a bit of a routine can make you feel like all the hard work you put in was for nothing. That’s why you have to keep your mind strong and to not let bad thoughts conquer your ambition. Here’s what happens when you stop training:


1. Blood sugar spikes. Normally, the blood sugar rises after every meal and drops as the muscles and other tissues suck up the sugar they need for energy. Training is very important because it helps you keep the blood sugar under control. Studied have shown that after 5 day break from the gym your post-meal blood sugar levels remain elevated. Luckily, you can solve this problem in just one week of regular exercise.

2. The muscle fibres changes. The muscle fibres change in response to the type of exercise stress placed upon them. Even though strength lingers longer than endurance once you stop training, your muscles size will start to change after 3 weeks of inactivity depending on your fitness level. That’s why you have to take only short breaks from your sweating sessions. Don’t forget that it will cost you a lot of time and hard work to rebuild your muscle mass.

3. The brain will suffer too. Your mind is in close contact with your body all the time. A study published in the journal Brain, Behaviour, and Immunity showed that only 2 weeks out of the normal gym routine turned regular exercisers tired and grumpy. Animal testing shows that animals that stop moving for a week grow fewer new brain cells and do worse on maze tests than those who stick to a steady wheel-running routine. Keep in mind that sport is a great way to prevent and fight a lot of brain problems like depression, memory loss and many serious illnesses.

Having a stable exercise program will help you keep your mind and body healthy. Even though there are some situations in which you’re forced to take a break from the gym, try to get back as soon as possible, so you won’t lose the benefits training has to offer you.  Don’t forget to have a balanced diet even when you have to skip a workout. This will help you in many ways to remain in shape and to stay focused.


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